8 million #1 - a "totem" of climate change
8 million #1 - detail
8 million #1 - detail
"8 Million" a "totem of climate change"
8 million - detail
8 million - detail
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Fragment XVII, 2022
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
8 million #2
8 million #2 - detail
Fragments in the woods
Fragment III - in its new home in South Wales
Fragment - detail
Shelter, 2021
Shelter, 2021
Fragment II
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Petrified I
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Animus Equus I & II.
Animus Equus I & II
Animus Equus I & II.
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée"
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
f stud 2 72dpi 20x30.jpg
Protoform VIII.
Protoform VII , 2 pieces
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
Souffle VI
Souffle IV
Protoform II
protoform XIII.jpg
Protoform I, II, III
8 million #1 - a "totem" of climate change
8 million #1 - a "totem" of climate change

“8 Million #1, 2022, 280cm x 27 x 13, rusted & varnished steel, charred & stained Cornish oak.

« In 2021, wildfires, hurricanes & storms wreaked havoc in forests around the world.

Charred, damaged trees and scorched earth the only remaining evidence of once verdant and thriving ecosystems.

Rising temperatures and the consequent extreme weather conditions are severely challenging and damaging the intricate and fragile connectivity within the biosphere.

In the UK, the winter storms of 2021/22 took a terrible toll. Arwen arrived in November and more recently Dudley and Eunice, reportedly 8,000,000 trees were lost or damaged. »

8 million #1 - detail
8 million #1 - detail
8 million #1 - detail
8 million #1 - detail
"8 Million" a "totem of climate change"
"8 Million" a "totem of climate change"

“8 Million”, 2022, 306cm x 25 x 9, rusted and varnished steel, charred and stained Cornish oak.“8 million”

8 million - detail
8 million - detail
8 million - detail
8 million - detail
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios

Christopher's body of work “Maelström” evolved during Lockdowns 2020-21: “maelström”; a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil:

« The Covid 19 storm raged in the world but the majestic towering cliffs of the Pentire Headland were oblivious to it, it was not about them.

Exposed to all the elements the Atlantic can throw at it, the wild North facing coast of Cornwall, East of Pentire Point, ironically became a refuge, a place of solace, during the turmoil in the outside world.

This striking coastline with its soaring jagged cliffs battered by the elements since perpetuity. Wearing the scars on their face of the countless storms they have faced & survived. A dignity in their serene presence. Wild crashing waves one day, shimmering transparent water washing their feet gently another.

On those few calm days, the crystal clear turquoise water revealed a myriad of underwater forms, wafting in the gentle but relentless swell. »

This new body of work was conceived here and utilises materials found historically in Cornwall, some in abundant quantities: copper, tin, iron, slate and wood.

Fragment XVII, 2022
Fragment XVII, 2022

Fragments are part of the “Maelström” series, 327cm x60 x60, steel, charred Cornish oak, patinated copper

Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
Fragment XVII - detail
8 million #2
8 million #2

250cm x 27 x 12, rusted & varnished steel, charred & stained Cornish oak.

8 million #2 - detail
8 million #2 - detail
Fragments in the woods
Fragments in the woods

Installation at Stone Lane Gardens, 2021

Fragment III - in its new home in South Wales
Fragment III - in its new home in South Wales

202cm x 20 x 29, steel, charred Cornish oak, patinated copper

Fragment - detail
Fragment - detail
Shelter, 2021
Shelter, 2021

250cm x 100 x65, steel rusted, varnished & painted

Shelter, 2021
Shelter, 2021

250cm x 100 x65, steel rusted, varnished & painted

Fragment II
Fragment II

205cm x 20 x20, rusted steel, charred Cornish oak


45cm x 170 x 50, steel, charred wood, patinated copper

Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios

Pieces in the “Maelström” series.

Petrified I
Petrified I

115cm x 50 x 20, steel, charred wood, patinated copper.

Installation at Keiro Lane Studios
Installation at Keiro Lane Studios

Pieces in the “Maelström” series.

Animus Equus I & II.
Animus Equus I & II.

Installation at “Le Théâtre Equestre de Bretagne”. 350cm x 400 x 75, steel.

Animus Equus I & II
Animus Equus I & II

Installation at “Le Théâtre Equestre de Bretagne”. 350cm x 400 x 75, steel.

Animus Equus I & II.
Animus Equus I & II.

Installation at “Le Théâtre Equestre de Bretagne”. 350cm x 400 x 75, steel.

"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée"
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée"

160cm x 250 x 75, steel

"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "

160cm x 150 x 60

f stud 2 72dpi 20x30.jpg
Protoform VIII.
Protoform VIII.

2 pieces, 95cm x 135 x 70, forged steel

Protoform VII , 2 pieces
Protoform VII , 2 pieces

60cm x 160 x 50, forged steel

"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
"Chuchoter d'une voix respectueuse et intimidée "
Souffle VI
Souffle VI
Souffle IV
Souffle IV
Protoform II
Protoform II
protoform XIII.jpg
Protoform I, II, III
Protoform I, II, III